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TOP 5 March New Releases To Expand Your Reading List

The first weekend of spring is perfect for introduction of our TOP 5 March new books. Fresh fiction releases are so good that it was really difficult to select just five of them for your attention. Take your time to explore the novels you are recommended put on your wishlist!

by Mohsin Hamid

This novel might seem very up-to-date in the highlight of the current refugee situation. Two young people Nadia and Saeed meet and fall in love on the brink of the civil war. As it spreads all over the country the couple has no other choice as to step through the door at high price into the totally different world. They have nothing left as to hold on to each other, struggling to preserve who they are.

by Hannah Tinti

A new thriller by the well-known author of The Good Thief tells a story of Samuel Hawley who reunites with his daughter Loo after years spent on the run. He tries to protect her from his past and the truth about her mother's death. But nobody is able to conceal one's past forever. Thus soon twelve scars on Samuel's body reminding of his criminal past emerge into his daughter's present carrying the story back and forth through time and places...

by Victor Lodato

Even the famous Lena Dunham loved this book. Edgar Fini, an eight-year-old boy, suffers from a memory loss about an accident that must have happened. His farther is gone and her mother has a limp. After he meets another man with his own tragic story, something strange starts happening and the line between the living and the dead starts to vanish. His mother Lucy has to face her past in order to save her son.

by Vicki Delany

Here start the new Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series. You have to look for yourselves, whether exploiting a name of the most famous detective in the world helps the crime novel to become popular. But we have enjoyed the plot: Gemma Doyle inherits her uncle's bookshop, which happens to be located at 222 Baker Street. When she accidentally finds the first Sherlock Holmes story, she sets off to find its owner. Unfortunately it's a dead body she finds. Moreover, she herself becomes a prime suspect. In order to clear her name, Gemma is forced to try and solve this murder case.

by Christopher L. Hayes

Non-fiction readers should remember this title. It's a book with a wide-range research and political and social analysis by a journalist Christopher L. Hayes, who tries to answer the question how America happened to fracture in two: the Colony and the Nation, the phenomenon threatening democracy and fostering the current crisis.

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