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The Nobel Prize in Literature 2017 Awarded to Kazuo Ishiguro

Today the Nobel Prize in Literature 2017 was awarded to Kazuo Ishiguro "who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world".

Following the announcement, Sara Danius, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy described Kazuo Ishiguro's writing style as a mix of Jane Austen and Franz Kafka: "But you have to add a little bit of Marcel Proust into the mix, and then you stir."

Born in 1954 in Nagasaki and educated in Britain, Kazuo Ishiguro is noted for his lyrical prose, his acute sense of place and for his masterful parsing of the British class system. 62-year-old Kazuo Ishiguro, best known for his novels Never let me go and The Remains of the Day, describes his writing as looking for the balance between the personal and the outer worlds: "one of the things that's interested me always is how we live in small worlds and big worlds at the same time, that we have a personal arena in which we have to try and find fulfillment and love. But that inevitably intersects with a larger world, where politics, or even dystopian universes, can prevail. So I think I've always been interested in that. We live in small worlds and big worlds at the same time and we can't, you know, forget one or the other."

Last year the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Bob Dylan "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".


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