Top 5 New July Books For Your Holidays And Beyond
Holiday season is about to reach its peak, so what books have you put on the list to read during your mind-blowing vacations? If you're still not sure what to take to the beach or a cabin on the lake, here's our Top 5 of new July book releases - gripping, entertaining and page-turning:
by Alison Espach
This is exactly the novel you'd want to read on vacation. Phoebe arrives at Cornwall Inn, Rhode Island, all dressed up but she is not the part of the wedding company. In fact, she is the only guest at the hotel that is not. Phobe always wanted to come here with his husband, only now she is alone. Meanwhile the bride has planned everything right for her wedding, except the arrival of Phoebe and that they will totally confide in each other.
by Liz Moore
There's nothing better than a perfect mystery thriller, and this novel is the one. In 1975 a thirteen-year-old Barbara Van Laar disappears from the summer camp without traces. The problem is that she is a daughter of the Van Laars who are the owners of the camp and the local job givers. Sixteen years prior to this, Barbara's brother also disappeared never to be found. The story will take two lines - one of Barbara's and the other of her brother Bear - to involve, affect and change the lives of the Van Laar family and everybody around them.
by Marjan Kamali
If you're falling for something deeper and heartfelt, read this new novel by Marjan Kamali. The plot takes part in Tehran, Iran in the 50s where seven-year-old Ellie has to swap comfort to a tiny apartment after her father's death. Luckily she meets Homa at her first day at school, and the girls become best friends with a dream to become 'lion women'. When Ellie and her mother grab an opportunity to come back to their comfort life, Ellie and Homa's friendship begins to fade. Till the events of the 70s in Iran erupt followed by betrayal and redemption.
by Kerryn Mayne
What about an easy-reading murder mystery? Lenny Marks follows a very boring routine everyday and has no friends in her life. She is very good at playing a game of anagrams but she doesn't want to remember the day when her mother and her stepfather disappeared when she was just a child. One day a letter from Parole Board arrives, and Lenny is forced to remember and to step out of her comfort zone and let new people into her life.
by Jennifer Romolini
It's a very targeted pick for non-fiction fans, especially those who are workaholics and are on vacation. Jennifer Romolini has climbed professional career ladder, achieved many successes others could be jealous of, had a nice family living in a beautiful house, however inside she was falling apart. So she dedicated her memoirs to the problem of workaholism and overachievement, to the way we work and to the failures of this modern rat race.