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Rihanna vs. Beyonce: Who Shines Brighter?

Two concerts of two world famous pop divas in five days leaving no other option than to compare the shows. Rihanna‘s Anti World Tour versus Beyonce‘s Formation World Tour.

The first comes Rihanna with her unexpected entry from the centre of the standing crowd. Singing with her head burried deeply under the hood she climbs a small stage in the middle of the stadium and then crosses a folding bridge over the heads of her fans reaching the main stage. Impressive. But what follows next is just a sheer disappointment.

It was not the Rihanna you see in the music videos. The one on the stage was utterly giftless, with no energy and no soul. Not yet a robot programmed to perform but not that naughty Barbados girl either. You barely encounted her singing into the mike: it was either the stadium or her backs doing the job. And the songs, you actually bought the tickect to the concert for, were just a first stanza and the refrain. At least the fans could fully enjoy the famous Diamonds.

However, complements to her fantastic dancers who carried out complicated choregraphic compositions on stage while Rihanna was once again changing her sexy outfits strangely supplemented by yet another hood. And when this Anti show was over, a feeling of relief lingered in the air. Because it was Rihanna who really needed a break.

The older and more mature Beyonce entered the stage loud and wild and carried on in the same tempo for the whole two hours of the show. The large screens followed her performance revealing her sincere joy of being on-stage. Mightiness of Beyonce‘s voice left no doubt and caused goosebumps, especially when she sang a capella together with the entire stadium of her fans.

Beyonce easily made a connection with her audience by communicating and introducing the songs. The VIP zone must have been very content for her close interactions several times during the show. The extėnded narrow stage corridor concluding into a smaller stage on the other side of the stadium often turned into the hot dancing performance with Beyonce being an excellent key-dancer. Forgive me for the spoiler, but this little piece of stage surprised all the fans in the last part of the show when suddenly turned into a waterpool with sexy girls singing, kicking and splashing.

It wasn‘t the job done, it was a part of her life. And it radiated from her eyes and her smile. And that‘s why you also have felt great.

Click here for Rihanna and Beyonce world tour dates.

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